
The Góbé Market of FișagThe Góbé Market of Fișag

We pay great attention to local producers and manufacturers in our village, every two or three months we organize the Góbé Market. In order to attract as many participants as possible, we usually offer a series of cultural programs during the fair, ensuring that local products reach a wider audience. In order to make the fair accessible to all villagers, the event is organized each time on different locations: Bancu, Ciucsângeorgiu and Armășeni.

2022. October 11.

Fiságmenti Góbé Piac 2021.06.12.

2021.08.14. en

2022. October 11.

2021.08.14. en

2022. October 11.

2021.12.13. en

2022. October 11.

2021.12.11. en