Geographical region


The municipality of Ciucsângeorgiu is located in the north-eastern part of the Ciucului de Jos region, in the valley of Fișag. It incorporates mountain woods and pastoral territories up to the Millennium Border (Ghimeș).

The area expands on 240.72 square kilometers, predominantly mountains, its population is up to 5,000 people. The population is distributed in the villages of the Fișagului and Topliței Valleys, but there are also hundreds of people living in the scattered villages of Cinod, Eghersec, Ghiurche and Coibăniș.


The municipality incorporates 10 villages: Potiond, Armășeni, Armășenii Noi, Ciucsângeorgiu, Bancu, Cotormani, Cinod, Eghersec, Ghiurce and Ciobăniș.